2024 Payment Trends: The Essential Nutshell

The payment industry is gearing up for a transformative year in 2024, and we’re excited to be at the forefront of these changes. Here’s what’s on the horizon:


  • VISA’s Strategic Updates: Get ready for an increase in annual registration fees for High Integrity Risk merchants, effective from January 1, 2024. Also, a new Integrity Risk Fee will be implemented starting April 1, 2024, marking a significant shift in transactional operations.
  • Mastercard’s New Fee Structure: Beginning January 1, 2024, Mastercard will introduce fees for declined authorizations in recurring payments due to insufficient funds – a move that will impact merchants across various regions.
  • Enhancements in EMV 3-D Secure Protocols: The new year will also see a tightening of EMV 3-D Secure Protocols, with enhanced data requirements for Authentication Requests. This move is set to significantly improve transactional security and efficiency.


Centrobill’s Innovations and New Ventures:

In response to these industry changes, Centrobill is introducing exciting new services:

  • Embracing Crypto Payments: Stepping into the dynamic world of cryptocurrencies, Centrobill now offers innovative and seamless payment solutions for crypto transactions.
  • Expanding into the CBD Market: We’re broadening our horizons by extending our payment solutions to the fast-growing CBD industry, tailoring our services to meet its unique requirements.


The year 2024 is shaping up to be one of growth and innovation, especially in the payment industry. At Centrobill, we are committed to keeping you ahead of these changes, ensuring that our partners and clients are equipped to make the most of these emerging opportunities.

Here’s to a fruitful and successful year ahead!